Advices for Remote Support in Education


BeAnywhere is a kind of remote support tool that allows IT agents to resolve any kind of IT difficulties, faster, in many different locations, at any time

Be everywhere at any time

College and universities have a lot of IT tools spread in many different spaces. A traditional IT technician may not afford a useful support all of them at any time. However with a remote control can provide a perfect support, even without get off the site and no matter how big the college or universities are.

Support personal

Different jobs and different needs require different databases; as a result, an IT agent who uses a remote control tool can satisfied every single need in few time, even without pre-installing software.

Just need to click

No matter where they are with BeAnywere it’s possible to access documentations, files and emails like they were in front of computer.  IT agent just needs to connect BeAnywhewre and offer all kind of support that they need. It’s simple, secure, flexible and it works with just one click.

Support the online classroom

A lot professors and students have online talks, have to access online applications or have e-learning classes; consequently BeAnywhere affords a fast support and boost the practice of online classes.